Thursday, July 28, 2016

Gaps Rules Update

Just released an update (2016.6) that adjusts the rules for the game of Gaps.

According to Wikipedia and a Google search the consensus is to allow two (2) re-deals instead of only one as was the case in previous versions (three rounds in total) and the cards are not shuffled in a re-deal.

This change makes the game a little easier to win (estimated at 1 in 7 games).

Sunday, April 3, 2016

New Release 2016.4

Did you know you can transfer cards to the foundations by double-clicking them?

For example, if you double-click on an Ace in Solitaire it will be transferred to the next available foundation slot automatically for you. You can also double-click on any card during play and it will transfer to the appropriate foundation if it "fits".

Until now this transfer was what I like to call a "snap" motion or instant transfer that was not very intuitive.

With today's release all double-click transfers now "slide" the card smoothly to their destination. This gives you better feedback as to what's happening automatically for you especially in a game like Klondike where Aces are transferred automatically to the foundations whenever they appear in the play.
